
A Small Talk of Languages

    As it is said that language distinguishes us from the other animals, intangible but dynamic and imaginative!
    I am always amazed by the magic of languages: so picturesque,various and unexpected with such a power of creativity!
    From the language you speak, people can tell where you are from or what is your nationality. Besides, from the way you speak, you shall betray who you are and even what you are!
    It entails such a long time training and much practicing to use a language freely and accurately or to feel at home with it! Even so, you shall also so possibly be trapped there for lack of accuracy leading to misunderstanding.
I like playing with languages usually. I enjoy so much the effects purely produced by the beauty, rhythm or rhymes of the language itself. Sometimes I say something just for the game of words or for the purpose of humor, so you can imagine what a consequence will be resulted in: misunderstanding! Here I mean more using my native language---Chinese, which is often manipulated by me for fun. Surely this often invokes some disaster, that is, you say what you do not mean!
    So one even cannot avoid causing misunderstanding when one tries to use his native language in a more funny and personal way. What if speaking a foreign language, say, English?
    Besides the ideas, whether two persons can have a good communication with each other often depends on how much they know the way the other speaks, including tones, diction, pace, body languages and so on which reveal one's habit of speaking and some messages hidden behind the words.
So a good communication can be achieved by what you say, how you speak, and what's more, by hoe much the other know of your speaking manners and how much they can accept or appreciate. Here comes the reason why friendship or understanding is not based on how long you know each other or what you say but on how much you know each other's languages which contain not only the messages of the words but also some implications behind or beyond it.

